From a study that examined “the
kind of economic growth that is compatible with the transition to a genuinely
sustainable society and the kind that absolutely isn’t’.”
review by Colin Cook
First published in 2009 and
based on a 2003 initiative of the UK government, ‘Prosperity without Growth’ by
Prof Tim Jackson, is still very relevant. The passage of years has seen global
increases in inequality – within and between nations - as political elites,
often yielding to self-interested lobby groups, pursue economic growth;
economic growth with but scant respect for the environment, social consequences
and historical examples. How many millions of people are now ‘displaced’, how
much debt ‘burdens’ nations – and more dangerously – their citizens?
All such relate to the
subject matter of this well-researched, invaluable look at where we are and
where we ought to be heading.
The Term Growth is
commonly understood to mean an ever increasing GDP figure – GDP being a measure
of a ‘society’s busyness’. It can be
seen as ‘a fair reflection in broad terms of rising incomes’ and since we continue to spend more and more
on commodities and services, it can be argued that we would not do so unless
they improved our lives, unless we valued them; hence, increasing per capita
GDP is taken as a reasonable measure of increasing prosperity. But this
conclusion is tempered by increasing inequalities within a population; an
increase in the national average GDP can easily mask a significantly large
disadvantaged population.
Jackson analyses
growth in detail –
- its importance to the workings of the
modern economy,
- its significance in our own ‘western’
- its incompatibility with obvious ‘only
one world’ ecological and resource limits.
The modern economy
must grow because labour efficiency is continually improving – we produce more
for less labour input. Prof Jackson shows that labour productivity is a
two-edged sword; producing the same amount of goods and services more
efficiently means some will lose their jobs or income; producing more with the
same labour means more resource depletion/ecological impacts. In Australia, we
have the Productivity Commission to keep that sword finely honed.
We need more ‘stuff’
in our lives because we have invested material goods with attributes way beyond
their strictly utility purposes. We ‘imbue material things with social and
psychological meanings’. Our material possessions are felt to be part of the
‘extended self’. ’Our relationships to our homes, our cars, our bicycles, our
favourite clothes, our books, our CD or DVD collections, our photographs and so
on, all have this character’(p98). And in our social relationships, ‘Consumer
goods provide a symbolic language in which we communicate continually with each
other …. About what really matters to us: family, friendship, sense of
belonging, community, identity, social status, meaning and purposed in
life’(p50). Technology delivers an ever increasing array of goods and
innovations so we need to keep updating our possessions so they continue to
fulfil these needs; this latest gizmo heading for obsolescence is a powerful
driver of economic growth – itself amplified by new ‘middle-class’ aspirations
around the world. In consequence, we demand ‘growth’ from our politicians. A
politician who does not promise growth is un-electable!
The growth of GDP
needs continually increasing consumption of non-renewable resources – oil,
natural gas, coal, steel, rare earths But there is a proposition that if we
economise and recycle , we can de-couple growth of GDP from these ecological
limits. ‘No way’, is Jackson’s conclusion. True, we can use less material per
unit of GDP but if GDP were to keep growing indefinitely, the maths is conclusive;
sooner rather than later, total material needs will overcome the supply. The chapter, ‘The Myth of Decoupling’ makes
the case indubitably.
The capabilities,
the possibilities of members of society ‘to flourish’, translates to
‘prosperity’ for Jackson. He writes, ‘Physical and mental health matter. Educational
and democratic entitlements count too. Trust, security and a sense of community
are vital to social well-being. Relationships, meaningful employment and the
ability to participate in the life of society appear to be important almost
everywhere’. And taking a wider view, ‘Prosperity is a shared vision’ -
encompassing the elimination of hunger and homelessness, end to poverty and
injustice, hope for a secure and peaceful world. Prof Jackson characterises the
world today as having ‘islands of prosperity’ within ‘oceans of poverty’. Certainly,
prosperity is not economic growth pure and simple.
But, he observes, ‘The
role of government has been framed so narrowly by material aims and hollowed
out by a misguided vision of unbounded consumer freedoms’. Recommending
extensive change, Jackson later comments, that a critical task is ‘to identify
and correct .. those ..perverse
incentives that are in favour of a
materialistic individualism and undermine the potential for a shared prosperity’.
There is some
evidence to suggest that up to a point, rising income levels/National GDP
figures enable citizens to flourish better; being at the top of the social pile
does give benefits in terms of health and happiness, of life satisfaction. So
how can we meet the expectations of a population without growing GDP? There is
much data showing that growth of GDP per capita above $15,000 (2005$)
contributes little to factors enabling the population at large to flourish. Some
recent work in OECD countries looking at a range of health and social issues shows
that ‘Inequality has damaging impacts across the nation as a whole’. Indeed. there is an underlying theme
throughout the book that the world needs greater equality – for social
cohesion, to make fairer use of its resources, to give everyone a chance ‘to
flourish’, to enjoy their talents and opportunities within the ecological
limits available. ‘An unequal society is an anxious society….’
Stating early on that, ‘Our technologies, our economy and
our social aspirations are all mis-aligned with any meaningful expression of
prosperity’ it is not surprising that Prof Jackson’s study calls for major changes.
The chapter on the Transition to a Sustainable
Economy lists a dozen of so areas of change under the headings of Establishing the limits, Fixing the economic model and Changing the social logic. Summarising
he writes, ‘In the first place we need to establish ecological bounds (limits)
on human activity. Secondly there is an urgent need to fix the illiterate
economics of relentless growth. Finally, we must transform the damaging social
logic of consumerism’. They comprise a daunting agenda demanding action from
all sectors of society. This is the ‘must read’ chapter – encouraging, hopeful,
even inspirational.
The economic model
to which Jackson refers is, of course, capitalism and he is obliged to devote
several pages to the question, Is this
the end of capitalism?
There are several
observations that may well ‘frighten the horses’! The need to develop the
technical capacity…for ecological macro-economics …..and to …..increase public control over
money supply, the need for more public ownership to yield necessary
infrastructure for people to ‘flourish’, stronger regulation in relation to the
commercial media, …the creation of jobs whenever…...labour is employed in protecting or improving public assets.
And, ‘The capitalist model has no easy route to a steady state position. Its
natural dynamics push it towards…. expansion or collapse’.
The observations ‘A
capitalist economy runs on debt’ and ‘A fundamental principle of capitalism is
that these liabilities (aka financial
debts) attract interest over time’ are of particular interest if you have
read anything about usury – the charging of interest on loans. Much has been
written arguing that interest can never be re-paid save by pushing others to
take out other interest bearing loans – or ‘lose their shirt’, maybe bankruptcy.
En passant, all major religions have strictures on usury – notably ignored by
Christians! Increasing global indebtedness and ‘loss of shirts’ seem to confirm
this hypothesis. Jackson does not go down this path but you can Google ‘usury’!
Prof Jackson does
point out that capitalism exhibits varying characteristics under various
circumstances – even nationalising banks when it suits! But generally economic
growth and minimal regulation of commerce are accepted features of a ‘good’
capitalistic economy. He asserts that investment in capital assets will remain
‘critically important’ but how this happens will be very different from the way
capital markets work today. ‘Probably a good thing too’ in view of their
culpability for the 2008 crisis, he observes.
And is it ‘The
End? It could be the end of capitalism
as we know it or it might remain as capitalism, ‘But not as we know it’! Take
your pick – there will be changes.
What you take from a
timely read of this stimulating, provocative book will depend on whether you
are an optimist or a pessimist – there are convincing pointers, and excellent
references for us all. Prof Jackson
makes a plausible case for the possibility encapsulated by the title and the
inevitability of it if we are to survive as a civilised society in the face of
the earth’s ecological restraints. Indeed, he writes, ‘For the advanced
economies of the western world, prosperity without growth is no longer a
utopian dream. It is a financial and ecological necessity.’
But the case rests
on fundamental changes in us humans - our behaviour, value systems and outlooks
– and there is the rub. It is up to us!
The book is the
outcome of an extensive enquiry by the UK Sustainable Development Commission
(SDC). The enquiry was launched in 2003
on the publication of the Commission’s landmark report – Redefine Prosperity
which challenged government ’fundamentally to rethink the dominance of economic
growth as the driving force in the modern political economy, and to be far more
rigorous in distinguishing between the kind of economic growth that is
compatible with the transition to a genuinely sustainable society and the kind
that absolutely isn’t’. See Wikipedia
for Tim Jackson (Economist)