By Dr Cameron K
Murray & Professor Paul Fritters
reviewed by Colin Cook
We all like to help a mate – it is just
human nature to lend a hand, give a lift or a bit of advice; this book is about
cultivating and helping mates with grey gifts – a very different game.
The authors submit the Game is costing us
billions every year. They estimate on housing development we lose $11 billion
per year, transport infrastructure, two thirds of our costs are lost, but in
superannuation, it is only a quarter! Banking costs us $15 billion per year and
on and on.
‘Grey gifts’ are the authors’
classification of those favours and presents you can render to a mate, cost you
nothing, are valuable to him – will solicit a return of some kind, some time –
but which cost the community heaps and heaps, often way into the future. Many
examples are given in the chapters dealing specifically with Superannuation,
Transport, Banking, Mining and others such as Taxes, Pharmacies & Health,
Supermarkets, University Education and Agriculture in the chapter, ‘Other
Games, Other Mates’.
But it is the depth of the analysis that is
impressive. We are shown the myths that enable us to be ‘sold’ on the virtue of
the games, the fundamental human traits that contribute to the recruiting,
soliciting and the gaming of/by mates, the conditions that make the Game
feasible and, most importantly, what we can do to reduce this enervating,
impoverishing drain on our society.
One myth for example that Public Private
Partnerships build infrastructure without pushing the State to into debt; the
contract may guarantee a fixed return to the investor – which is just like the
State issuing a bond to raise the capital for both impose a future liability on
the State. Then the State may even lend the investor the money at a favourable
rate; this loan would be shown as a State asset - no debt at all, see! Only liabilities which are not disclosed.
To research the traits fostering the Games,
the authors designed a computer-based experiment to observe behaviour, including amongst complete strangers, close up in a laboratory. The result of their
rigorous work showed that at least 84% of us would play the Game of Mates,
given the opportunity!
‘Grey mateship’ – recruiting and soliciting
– often develops through professional contacts and co-operation. Over the years,
this is hugely strengthened by the revolving door of appointments; regulators
join trade associations, retired politicians become lobbyist, lobbyists are
given safe seats and become politicians. An appendix lists many persons coming-and-going
through revolving doors. It is
happening before our eyes.
How is it we stand this robbery? One
explanation is that our expanding population conceals the extent of it; we all
benefit a bit from the growing population/GDP but not as much as we could because
the Mates take a grossly non-proportional share.
The book is written as a tale about James,
the Mate, and Bruce, the average Australian. James will fight hard and dirty to
retain his positions and influence – and he owns the mainstream media. The authors
exhort Bruce to ‘Rise up’; to reclaim the value of the grey gifts for the
public, disrupt James’ coordination – jam the revolving door, have citizen
juries to make top public appointments – and bust James’ myths. Independent
media and journalists are very important for myth busting. And to create
publically owned competitors for James and his mates – construction, banking
The book has just one short-coming – that
there is no reference to the electricity industry. Maybe this would need a
whole book to itself!
This really is a must read– not just for
grey haired activists but for all students whatever your subject, all mortgage
holders, all members of superannuation funds, our local councillors and council
staff. Buy one and circulate it widely. Better still, buy two and give one to a
‘small m’ mate. As Professor Steve Keen writes, ‘……essential for all
Australians, except the Mates’.
Colin Cook, may 2017
Colin Cook, may 2017
Introductory video
See also Chomsky on the Game of Mates in USA, reported at